Review+Giveaway: "Ruin and Rising" by Leigh Bardugo

Ruin and Rising (The Grisha, #3)Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great story with many surprises and a satisfying ending!
With the Darkling rising in power and Alina weak from her last battle the whole world of Ravka is under destruction. Alina's only hope? The Firebird.

With her feelings for Mal and her fear for the future Alina and her friends will have to fight to death in order to stop the Darkling. A character that was really worth my attention was Nikolai. Even everything happened to him, he rose to the occasion and I was glad he remained until the end!

Then there's Mal! Oh my, his words, actions and devotion to Alina was heartbreaking. Even the Darkling at some point seemed to be 'human' enough for me. Leigh knows how to plot a good story with a nice russian twist in it as also planning a world with maps, customs and clothes!

The ending is promising. A world of new adventure will be revealed, set into a time paralel to "The Grisha". I can only hope to see more of her writing!

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 Also don't miss the chance to win an ecopy of the book!
Still ongoing Giveaways: Beautiful Oblivion, Gates of Thread and Stone

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