Book Trailer: GHOST HOUSE by Alexandra Andorreto!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Bumbles and Fairy-Tales...: Book Trailer Friday #1: GHOST HOUSE by Alexandra A...: I have a new addiction: BOOK TRAILERS!!! I'm an "old lady" who doesn't do much late Friday nights except read... un...
Review: "Afterwolrds" by Scott Westerfeld
Thursday, August 28, 2014

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recieved an e-copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Lizzie and Darcy seem not to have much in common. Darcy moves to New York in order to write her book while Lizzie finds herself admist a horrible accident. "Afterworlds" is their story told by two different POVs: third for Darcy and first for Lizzie.
"Afterworlds" as a novel carries many elements and gives information about the publishing world while there's also the author's reference to NaNoWriMo, YA Drinks Night and how the publishing agency works. Through Darcy's eyes were get an eyeful of this world and for my part, I really enjoyed the realistic descriptions and the way Darcy interacted with her surroundings.
In Darcy's part on the other hand, we get a strong metaphysic experience, which tend to reach the boundaries of creepy and a bittersweet feeling of the afterlife. Darcy's romance felt a little rushed for me and I would prefer to have the whole romantic theme more extended at both storylines.
Despite the 600 pages "Afterworlds" is a strong novel, from an author who became well known with the "Uglies Series". If ever will be a second novel on this part I would like to see to it. :)
View all my reviews
Review: Run to you: Part 1,2,3 by Clara Kensie
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A novel with mystery, gripping emotions and characters who slowly reveal themselves and their emotions. While it is seperated on three parts, the reader can't lose the fluid plot or the realistic descriptions.
Tessa's POV is emotionally packed and her emotions for Tristan grow steadily until there is no escape.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
On the second part thruths are revealed and ction fills the plot, while Tessa and Tristan struggle to keep their relationship as nornal as they can. But when agents appear and take Tessa away secrets make her shatter.
On the second installment I found Tristan's behavior a little to cheeky for me but judging what he had to do, I might be able to fogive him. :)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
On the third part still under the impression of betrayal Tessa finds out that she too has an ability, an ability which covers most of the book and finally reveals her family's secret. While the ending was bittersweet, I still have more questions about her brother and sister.
Overall, the series is amazing, emotional, the work of an author who has the potential to write eve better action packed stories!
And don't miss the double giveaway of "Opposition" by Jennifer Armentrout and "The Lovely and the Lost" by Page Morgan, here.
Book Blitz: "A Soul toTake" by Emily Taylor Book Trailer reveal!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Today is the official blog blitz of a book I've been waiting the whole summer! So, I am presenting you with the Book trailer of "A Soul to Take" by Emily Taylor! A great friend of mine, fellow Wattpad writer and inspirational artist in her unique way, Emily takes us into her world of Demons, secrets and hmm love? The book trailer is the first way to find out until the official release, which will be on the following days!
Here I give you the book trailer!
If this link doesn't work try this one:
Dying is the least of Elixia’s worries.
The world has changed. Demons are no longer legend, but part
of life, integrated into our society . . . or so the Government claims. Things
are never that simple, though, and neither side favors the new union. Agent
ElixiaAlbelin knows the dark nature of demons firsthand,
and will do everything in her power to protect the innocent from their wrath.
But when a mission from the Agency goes sour, Elixia finds
herself in a predicament. Murdered, with her last living family-member
kidnapped, her only hope is an offer from the very thing she despises: a demon.
It’s no ordinary demon offering the contract, though, and his motive for such a
deal is unclear. But if she’s to discover the truth and save her sister, she
must commit the greatest taboo for an Agent:
Sell her soul.
Now, Marked and shackled to the terms of the
contract, she must try to uncover the mystery of her sister’s abduction before
her new “owner” comes to claim what is his. Her past may hold answers, but what
happens when her investigation finds something far more sinister? Something not
even the demons can condone?
Besides writing, Emily Taylor currently studies Music
Technology at her state’s Conservatorium and recently helped on Respect Cat
Production’s feature film, In a Corner, as a Script Advisor. After great
success on InkPop and Figment, A Soul to Take is her first formally
published work. You can see more from Emily on Facebook and Twitter.
Double Reiew+ Giveaways: "Opposition" by Jennifer Armentrout and "The Lovely and the Lost" by Page Morgan
Monday, August 25, 2014
Second day of my double reviews! If you have read the previous day's post then you'll know that we have giveaways! And they are INT too! So check out the following books and tell me what you think! :)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
After the success of "The Beautiful and the Cursed" Page Morgan returns with a thrilling sequel fuul of mystery, action and betryal. Ingrid and her family try to move over the tragedy of the first book and heal their scars. On the other hand, Luc has to fight his feelings for Inrid as also deal with a new gargoyle, Hunters and the warth of the angels.
Told by multiple POVs we get a real picture of all the situations as also the characters' feelings. While the faint love triangle exists, it is overpowered by the actions of Gabby and Nolan, Garrison and Chelly.
All the while there is also a backstage action, which I hope it will be cleared at the third and final book "The Wondrous and the Wicked".
Until then I am going to re-read "The Beautiful and the Cursed"! :)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What an end! With tears, love, humor and all the elemetns which make Jennifer's writing unique! After the clearing of the misunderstanding from the fourth book's end, Daemon and Katy will deal with crazy Luxens, bloodthirsty Aurums. We aslo meet characters from "Obsession" so if you haven't read the novella be sure to do it! There is still the double POV of Katy and Daemon and we have also more relationships between Dee, Archer, Dawson and Beth.
The ending of the series was hopeful, bittersweet with the chance of 'holy Deamon alien babies'! ;)
Find the whole series here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway
Double Review: "Behind Closed Doors" by Tamara Lee and "The Forsaken" by Lisa M. Stasse
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Hello everyone! While I was on vacation I got to read some really good and some partially good books! For today and for the next two days I am going to post their reviews and also have two awesome giveaways!
For taday we have "Behind Closed Doors" by Tamara Lee and "The Forsaken" by Lisa M. Stasse
Tomorrow don't miss the reviews and giveaways for "Opposition" by J. Armentrout and "The Lovely and the Lost" by Page Morgan!
Behind Closed Doors by Tamara Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tamara Lee was one of the first authors who made a friend request on me. :) I liked the summary and decided to read "Behind Closed Doors". It was one of the romances I had for branch (fantasy is my breakfast!)
Kyla, devastated by her boyfriend's cheating and after her friend's help, joins a show which equals on X-factor. There she meets one of the judges who develops feelings for her and soon Ky discovers her talent on music too.
Despite the little too-planned plot, I liked the way Kyla struggled with her feelings and how her self-confidence became better. Also, we get the message that not always glitter and spotlights bring hapiness. :)
The ending? Sweet and realistic and the heroine will become a new star on her cosmos.
Thank you Tamara Lee for the chance and I hope to read more of your work! <3
The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
When I read the summary I thought that maybe, just maybe I'll see somethng different. Well, while the plot was original, "Forsaken" gave the sense of re-reading a mix of "Hunger Games" and "Divergent".
Aleena fails to pass a test, which is supposed to show if she'll ever become criminal. At the end she is shipped off to the "Forsaken Land" where another exiled teens try to survive through a civil war between them.
The action while evident on the book, was scarse and the romance was a little too off for my standards; someone could say that it belonged to the type of insta-love.
Characters like Rika, David, Gadya were even more useful thatn Liam and Aleena and quite some scenes between their dialogues felt rushed and quick.
The first book ends with a peomise of rebellion but so far I don't think that I'll touch the second one soon.
View all my reviews
For taday we have "Behind Closed Doors" by Tamara Lee and "The Forsaken" by Lisa M. Stasse
Tomorrow don't miss the reviews and giveaways for "Opposition" by J. Armentrout and "The Lovely and the Lost" by Page Morgan!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tamara Lee was one of the first authors who made a friend request on me. :) I liked the summary and decided to read "Behind Closed Doors". It was one of the romances I had for branch (fantasy is my breakfast!)
Kyla, devastated by her boyfriend's cheating and after her friend's help, joins a show which equals on X-factor. There she meets one of the judges who develops feelings for her and soon Ky discovers her talent on music too.
Despite the little too-planned plot, I liked the way Kyla struggled with her feelings and how her self-confidence became better. Also, we get the message that not always glitter and spotlights bring hapiness. :)
The ending? Sweet and realistic and the heroine will become a new star on her cosmos.
Thank you Tamara Lee for the chance and I hope to read more of your work! <3

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
When I read the summary I thought that maybe, just maybe I'll see somethng different. Well, while the plot was original, "Forsaken" gave the sense of re-reading a mix of "Hunger Games" and "Divergent".
Aleena fails to pass a test, which is supposed to show if she'll ever become criminal. At the end she is shipped off to the "Forsaken Land" where another exiled teens try to survive through a civil war between them.
The action while evident on the book, was scarse and the romance was a little too off for my standards; someone could say that it belonged to the type of insta-love.
Characters like Rika, David, Gadya were even more useful thatn Liam and Aleena and quite some scenes between their dialogues felt rushed and quick.
The first book ends with a peomise of rebellion but so far I don't think that I'll touch the second one soon.
View all my reviews
"Tandem" by Anna Jarzab GoodReads review
Thursday, August 14, 2014

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Paralel universes, sci-fi, analogs and romance! Elements that drew me to this book, kept me hooked until the ending and left me with many questions for the sequel.
What surprised me in this book was the triple (yes TRIPLE) POV: Sasha's, third POV for Thomas and Juliana. The descriptions worked perfectly making the story flow smoothly leaving vague iamges of this another world and giving to the reader the taste of infinity.
Sasha is a strong character yet sometimes she finds herself trapped from others' expectations. Thomas has to deal with both his affection for Sasha and his duty. The blending causes problems and brings forth betrayal, tears and revealings!
I reccomend this book to those who like mystery and sci-fi yet not bother accusing the POVs. For me it was refreshing!
View all my reviews
Review+Giveaway: "Ruin and Rising" by Leigh Bardugo
Sunday, August 10, 2014

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A great story with many surprises and a satisfying ending!
With the Darkling rising in power and Alina weak from her last battle the whole world of Ravka is under destruction. Alina's only hope? The Firebird.
With her feelings for Mal and her fear for the future Alina and her friends will have to fight to death in order to stop the Darkling. A character that was really worth my attention was Nikolai. Even everything happened to him, he rose to the occasion and I was glad he remained until the end!
Then there's Mal! Oh my, his words, actions and devotion to Alina was heartbreaking. Even the Darkling at some point seemed to be 'human' enough for me. Leigh knows how to plot a good story with a nice russian twist in it as also planning a world with maps, customs and clothes!
The ending is promising. A world of new adventure will be revealed, set into a time paralel to "The Grisha". I can only hope to see more of her writing!
View all my reviews
Also don't miss the chance to win an ecopy of the book!
Still ongoing Giveaways: Beautiful Oblivion, Gates of Thread and Stone
a Rafflecopter giveaway
"Wings" by Elizabeth Richards GoodReads review
Friday, August 8, 2014

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was hopefull for a good ending in this story and the three POVs didn't bother me at all! While Natalie and Ash try to find each other and end the war, Purian Rose has set a lethal plan in stone. All the characters were portayed nicely with the pain, fear and anguish but I was taken back from the loss, thus the 1 star less.
And while the ending was a little too planned for my tastes, the last twenty pages had me gripping the ereader like crazy! That I liked a lot! A good recommendation to those who haven't read the series ans I hope to see more from the author! :)
View all my reviews
Also don't miss the book blast and giveaway on "Gates Thread and Stone" as also my giveaway on "Beautiful Oblivion" by Jamie McGuire!
"Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon GoodReads review
Thursday, August 7, 2014

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I learnt that a new historical series was to be shown on TV I decided to begin reading. I found myself lost in a world of Scots, wild horses, love, politics and even more History. When Claire, marries woman, nurse of WW II finds herself at the 18th century, well we get to know everything, from the tiniest deatils of life to the aspects of human nature.
The author creates a livid world of passion, intigue and fighting. Claire is a strong character, Jamie is a sweetheart, but a steel heart at the same time, while the humor in most cases was a good relief of all the pressure and the heavy atmosphere.
I will head to the second book, keeping the promise of the ending from this one. It is really promising!
View all my reviews
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Literary Rambles: COMPULSION PRE-RELEASE GIVEWAY: WIN A YA BOOK OF Y...: Hi All! I'm so happy to help Martina Boone celebrate the upcoming release of her YA southern gothic romance COMPULSION that releases Oct...
"Boomerang" by Noelle August GoodReads review
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I laughed in every turning page! This is a helluva absolute summer read!
Mia and Ethan wake up after an one night stand they both don't remember and soon they found out that they'll have to compete for the same work position! Not only they'll have to fight their mutual attracyion but also deal with their co-workers and past.
The story goes smoothly till the end, giving you the impression of a stand-alone but I can see that there'll be also a sequel! And since Veronica Rossi is one of the co-authors I have no doubt of the result! :)
View all my reviews
Book Blast+Giveaway: "Gates of Thread and Stone" by Lori M. Lee
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Welcome to the Book Blast of "Gates of Thread and Stone" by Lori M. Lee! The blog tour is hosted by
Me, My Shelf and I. Follow the rest of the stops and be sure to enter the INT giveaway for a chance to win an Amazon Card and swag pack!
Gates of Thread and Stone #1
Author: Lori M. Lee
Release Date: August 5th, 2014
Publisher: Skyscape
Gates of Thread and Stone #1
Author: Lori M. Lee
Release Date: August 5th, 2014
Publisher: Skyscape
In the Labyrinth, we had a saying: keep silent, keep still, keep safe.
In a city of walls and secrets, where only one man is supposed to possess magic, seventeen-year-old Kai struggles to keep hidden her own secret—she can manipulate the threads of time. When Kai was eight, she was found by Reev on the riverbank, and her “brother” has taken care of her ever since. Kai doesn’t know where her ability comes from—or where she came from. All that matters is that she and Reev stay together, and maybe one day move out of the freight container they call home, away from the metal walls of the Labyrinth. Kai’s only friend is Avan, the shopkeeper’s son with the scandalous reputation that both frightens and intrigues her.
Then Reev disappears. When keeping silent and safe means losing him forever, Kai vows to do whatever it takes to find him. She will leave the only home she’s ever known and risk getting caught up in a revolution centuries in the making. But to save Reev, Kai must unravel the threads of her past and face shocking truths about her brother, her friendship with Avan, and her unique power.
In a city of walls and secrets, where only one man is supposed to possess magic, seventeen-year-old Kai struggles to keep hidden her own secret—she can manipulate the threads of time. When Kai was eight, she was found by Reev on the riverbank, and her “brother” has taken care of her ever since. Kai doesn’t know where her ability comes from—or where she came from. All that matters is that she and Reev stay together, and maybe one day move out of the freight container they call home, away from the metal walls of the Labyrinth. Kai’s only friend is Avan, the shopkeeper’s son with the scandalous reputation that both frightens and intrigues her.
Then Reev disappears. When keeping silent and safe means losing him forever, Kai vows to do whatever it takes to find him. She will leave the only home she’s ever known and risk getting caught up in a revolution centuries in the making. But to save Reev, Kai must unravel the threads of her past and face shocking truths about her brother, her friendship with Avan, and her unique power.
PRAISE FOR "Gates of Thread and Stone"
“Lori M. Lee excels in building a world of intrigue, oppression, and magic amidst a Labyrinth setting as twisted and winding as the secrets hidden inside her characters’ hearts. Fans of strong heroines who don’t need a boy to hold their hands, action-packed fighting scenes, and whispers of steampunk and mythology, will find themselves wishing they, too, could manipulate the threads of time, if only to stay inside the story a little longer.”
A.G. Howard, the SPLINTERED series
“Inventive, romantic, and gripping. I was hooked from the first page!”
Amy Tintera, REBOOT and REBEL
A.G. Howard, the SPLINTERED series
“Inventive, romantic, and gripping. I was hooked from the first page!”
Amy Tintera, REBOOT and REBEL
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Barnes & Noble:
The Book Depository:
Lori is the author of young adult fantasy Gates of Thread and Stone, coming August 5, 2014 from Skyscape. She has a borderline obsessive fascination with unicorns, is fond of talking in capslock, and loves to write about magic, manipulation, and family. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband, kids, and a friendly pitbull.
Giveaway is open Internationally | Must be 13+ to Enter
"Beautiful Oblivion" by Jamie McGuire GoodReads review+Giveaway
Monday, August 4, 2014

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I got to say, even after two books of Travis Maddox, I am never bored of Jamie's writing style!
"Beautiful Oblivion" takes place at the timeline of "Walking Disaster" and centers around Cami, a uni student who falls upon Trenton Maddox. She is already in relationship with T.J. but it seems that it doesn't work so well. On the other hand she had a f*ed up family, who like to blame everything on her.
Trenton on the other hand has tats, makes jokes and likes drinking like all Maddoxs. BUT he cares deeply for Cami and even Olive, the girl who babysits. Through the story we see the growing affection as they both deal with their problems and friends.
When the end comes and the last line is read, especially I was left with my jaw down to the floor! I realized who the next Maddox will be and I am sure that you will found out too, if you read the book.
I can't, CAN'T wait for more Maddox Brothers but for now I will head to a reread if the time comes! ;)
Just for an INT winner, an ebook copy of the book. Be sure to follow me first in one of the ways on your left! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, August 4, 2014
Literary Rambles: LORI LEE INTERVIEW AND GATES OF THREAD AND STONE G...: Happy Monday Everyone! Can you believe it's August? For me, it means swim season is starting and this is probably going to be one of the...
Friday, August 1, 2014
Literary Rambles: BEACH READS IN AUGUST BOOK GIVEAWAY: Hi Everyone! Hope you're having a great summer. Can you believe it's already August? Mine is going to be a busy one because it&#...
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