Blog...and life update!

Hello, my beautiful souls of the blogsphere! Alex is here after silence.

The truth is that January and the beginning of this month were pretty hard for me. I don't usually want to vent on my blog, which is mostly a place to connect and share our love for books, but I was very frustrated with my surroundings.

And while I have a very, very loving and supporting family, I still needed more. And that reflected here. Almost no blog spots and no energy for book reviews.

Ok not to the point of that but you get my meaning! Apart from holidays and self-inducting hiatus it never happened before.

But anyway the point is that when you have people around you who support and are there for you anything can be resolved.

On the bright side, by looong job-hunting finally bore results! I finally got a job! And I couldn't be happier! Which also means that Milky Way of Books will have to adapt.

Will that decrease my posts?

In a way yes. I'll have to coordinate any new posts according to the days I work and how often I finish the book/s I decide to read per week.

I' also continue to participate in book blogs since it's an activity I enjoy so much!

And yes I'll defenitely be around in order to share anything bookish related!

So this is new era for the blog and me and I'll surely be around for all of you!

I wish you the best and I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming reviews I have planned!

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