"A need so Insiatible" GoodReads review

A Need So Insatiable (Hearts #1)A Need So Insatiable by Cecilia Robert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You can also see my review on http://alexperc92.blogspot.com/

We do have an appreciation for Contemporary but on Cecilia's "A need so Insiatible" we get so much more!

Sophie lives in a hard life. With only her sister left, a dept that literally hunts her and a deep pain, she tries to live through every day. Then Raphael comes; and everything become even more intersting. ;)
I enjoyed the comedy, the descritpions and even more the mystery of the plot. It's not only the romance. There are cases were the heroine seriously can kick some ass, while the bet Raphael had lost was tru;y hilarious, but what can you say? A man keeps his word! :D

Cecilia knows how to balance a good romance and the mystery but also the heart breaking moments, even the steamy scens! I can't wait to see what the rest of the series will bring!

5 of 5 stars

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