Double Good Reads Review: "Evertrue" and "Unraveling"

Unraveling (Unraveling, #1)Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Strange thoughts on this one

When I began reading "Unraveling" I had the vague thinking that it would be a DFN. Luckily, I understood that it was the author's way to introduce slowly the plot and kick up the plot gears very quickly.

Janelle gets hit by a truck and strangely saved by Ben, the 'outcast' of her school. From that point mysterious deaths plague San Diego and soon Janelle will have to do everything in her powers in order to save her family... and her world.

The mystery and action keeps you very, very concentreated while there's no point in which you will gasp from the relevations. Big in length it but descriptive it's narrated by Janelle's POV, and covers pretty much everything.

For me: 5 of 5 stars

View all my reviews Evertrue (Everneath, #3)Evertrue by Brodi Ashton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

YUP, a finalle!

With Jack on her side Nik tries to destroy Everneath. Like Hercule's labors there's the mystery and the heartbreaking ending.

While I was glad for the ending and the proof of redemption in it, I couldn't help but feel bad for Cole. From a bad, really bad guy he became good in my eyes with a tortured past and choices. But the ending was just for him.

Becks struggles with her transformation and for a moment I feared for her and Jack. It was SO wrong for them in the whole trilogy. But Brodi didn't let me down.

I hope to read more of her stories! :) For now 5 of 5 stars

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