Once Upon a Forbidden Desire: Fairy Tales and Other Stories by H.R. Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Summary from GoodReads
About the author:
Hello lovelies! Here I am back again wondering how August came and how we are...close to 4 months from ending this year...but summer is still hot in this small side of the world in Greece and I am finally back from Apollycon!
It was an unforgettable experience! I got to meet some of my favorite authors, meet with new ones and also finally get in touch with my awesome friends and fellow Jennifer Armentrout fans. And for those of you who were not able to attend stay tuned for I have some goodies giveaway for you!
But let us backtrack and talk about the event that I will describe as...the Odyssey.
I was preparing my suitcase when I got an email that my plane tickets were canceled. Meaning that there was a 50-50 chance of not being able to attend in the case they would not be able to rebook the tickets. I was not a good sight preparing the books but also crying at the possibility. But thankfully Seth made his miracle and I would be able to reach Washington after first flying to San Fransisco, then to New York, and then to DC.
But alas I made it after moving back and forth in time and time zones lol. I have to give major thanks to my bookish family of AoA who waiting for me at the airport after I had a small issue with my luggage and the excitement we all shared as we finally met each other. Kim, Tammy, Pia, Mica, Mariana, Eirini, Vonneta, Lisa, and Autumn are a few of the amazing people I had the joy to meet and gush over JLA men.
As a Titan Pass holder, I had some extra activities and items which came with registration. Like the exclusive edition of A Shadow in the Ember and the From blood and Ash edition that was given during the brunch event.
Night 1: The Sourcebooks Casablanca event.
Day 3: General signing day for all ticket holders
The third day started with the attempt to get my Book Beau Apollycon special edition signed. This was a book sleeve which had a silver sharpie which you could use to get it signed if you didn't have books, a genius idea for me which I'd love to see in future Apollycon events too (in the last pictures you can see it). I also got to see the Historical Romance triad: Sophie Jordan, Tessa Dare and Sarah MacLean and we chatted about their books being translated to Greek.
And after that I had a few hours with my friends in Washington walking our way around Capitol which was also amazing! It was a bittersweet ending: I wanted this to last more days, I wanted to stay with my friends but at the same time I had the chance to spend a few days with similar-minded people who get my love for books and reading; to see authors who I have bee reading their books for close to a decade and talk with them, to have fun after these challenging years with the pandemic.
And for those days I am deeply grateful.
My book haul: I ledt Greece with two books...and came back with an extra suitcase, because nothing would fit plus I had swag!
From left to right: The wedding date disaster by Avery Flynn, the two Book Beaus Apollycon special editions and you can see the one signed, Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean, The Nightingale Anthology, the Apollycon special edition of ASITE, the Apollycon social edition of FBAA,, my copies of Lux Beginnings and The Love Hypothesis, the Bargainer bundle and the Horsemen series by Laura Thalassa, A Wolf Apart & Forever wolf by Maria Vale.
An addition below from the JLA shop were the tote bag of Apollycon and the mug while the other tote bag was part of the Titan ticket. The mug/tumbler has a handle which I prefer and the quote: "Mmm caseroles".
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