Review: "Empire of Storms" (Throne of Glass # 5) by Sarah J. Maas

Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Summary from GoodReads

The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves at odds with those who don't.

As the kingdoms of Erilea fracture around her, enemies must become allies if Aelin is to keep those she loves from falling to the dark forces poised to claim her world. With war looming on all horizons, the only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may mark the end of everything Aelin holds dear.

Aelin's journey from assassin to queen has entranced millions across the globe, and this fifth installment will leave fans breathless. Will Aelin succeed in keeping her world from splintering, or will it all come crashing down?



 While I took my time reading one of the most anticipating sequels of 2016, I did the mistake of reading it at the same time with "Crooked Kingdom". If you've read the sequel of Leigh Bardugo's duology, then you know why I was just a puddle of tears by the end of "Empire of Storms".

Our story continues from where we were left after the events of "Queen of Shadows". Aelin and gang have finally reached Terrasen, Dorian has a crumbling kingdom in his hands, Manon and the Witches are still relucant to follow their Matron's orders and a young woman named Elide has escaped Morath and someone is following her...

The best part of this book was the alternative POVs. We jump from each character to the other, from each shocking relevation to the next and there is no time to stop either laughing or crying! There was a particular scene with Manon and Asterin that had me sobbing over the book!

My poor ships! I really don't know from where to begin! Aelin and Rowan, Aedion and Lyssandra, Dorian and Manon and of course the one ship I know that sunk before it even sailed!

The book is filled with many fights which actually gave me vibes from "Pirates of Carribean" and "Lord of the Rings" and while there was not much speed in the plot there were many character arcs that were developed nicely and in many cases in a heartbreaking way.

The ending was horrible! How can I wait until 2017 to see the ending? Do I want to read the ending? No matter what happens, I hope all my ship will sail and find some peace finally! ;)

And don't miss the rest books of the series!
(click the covers)


About the author:

Sarah J. Maas is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Throne of Glass series (Queen of Shadows, Book 4, will be out in September 2015), as well as the A Court of Thorns and Roses series (out 5/5/15).

Sarah lives in Bucks County, PA, and over the years, she has developed an unhealthy appreciation for Disney movies and bad pop music. She adores fairy tales and ballet, drinks too much tea, and watches an ungodly amount of TV. When she's not busy writing, she can be found exploring the historic and beautiful Pennsylvania countryside with her husband and canine companion

Release Day Blitz+Giveaway: "Iniquity" (The Ascent #1) by Melody Winter

Release Day – INIQUITY (The Ascent, Book One) by Melody Winter
Publication date: October 25th, 2016
Genre: New Adult, Dark Romantic Fantasy

Book Blurb:

Athena Harrow is about to turn twenty-one, but there will be no celebration. What is there to celebrate when the world is ruled by demons?
She hates the darkness the demons brought with them and longs for the light to return to the world—a world she only vaguely remembers. The people in her forest village blindly accept the life the demons forced upon them, even tolerating the yearly ascension ceremony where all the girls who have turned twenty-one are either sent away to serve the Master Demon or left in the village and forced to procreate.
But Paymon, the assigned village demon, selects a different role for Athena, a role that pits her against the village. While she adapts to her new life, Erebus, a younger, more powerful demon, arrives, and Athena must play a dangerous game with his emotions in return for information about the demon’s reign of darkness.
As Athena’s dreams of restoring the light begin to fade, her life with Erebus takes an unexpected turn, and this time it’s her life being put to the test.
Set in the forest around Buttercrambe in North Yorkshire, England, INIQUITY explores the frightening, darker side of romance and the uncontrolled emotions it can unleash.

If you haven’t grabbed your kindle version of Iniquity, grab it today—the last day before the price goes up. (Please double check price before purchase.)

To celebrate the release of INIQUITY, the first book in The Ascent series trilogy, Melody is giving away a signed paperback of Iniquity and a handmade Iniquity bangle.

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is sign up to her newsletter.
Click here: newsletter sign up
If you’re already signed up then send melody a quick email telling her you’d like to be entered into the giveaway for the release day prize. Email:
Melody will pick a winner on the 31st October 2016.

About the Author:
Growing up, Melody showed a natural ability in art, a head for maths, and a tendency to write too long English essays. Difficult to place in the world when she graduated, she pursued a career in teaching, but ended up working in finance. Melody is convinced the methodical times she spends working with numbers fuel her desire to drift into dream worlds and write about the illusory characters in her head.
Melody Winter lives in York, North Yorkshire, England with her husband and two sons. When not dealing with football, rugby, and a whole plethora of ‘boy’ activities, she will be found scribbling notes for her stories, or preparing for another trip to the nearby beaches at Scarborough and Whitby. With an obsession for anything mythical, Melody revels in reading and writing about such creatures, and creating her own.

ARC Review: "The Forgotten Tale" (The Accidental Turn #2) by J.M. Frey

The Forgotten Tale by J.M. Frey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Summary from GoodReads

Forsyth Turn has finally become a hero—however reluctantly. But now that Lucy Piper has married him and they’ve started a family in her world, his adventuring days are behind him. Yet not all is as it should be. Beloved novels are disappearing at an alarming rate, not just from the minds of readers like Pip, but from bookshelves as well. Almost as if they had never been. Almost like magic.

Forsyth fears that it is his fault—that Pip’s childhood tales are vanishing because he, a book character, has escaped his pages. But when he and Pip are sucked back into The Tales of Kintyre Turn against their will, they realize that something much more deadly and dire is happening. The stories are vanishing from Forsyth’s world too. So Forsyth sets out on a desperate journey across Hain to discover how, and why, the stories are disappearing… before their own world vanishes forever.

In this clever follow-up to The Untold Tale, The Forgotten Tale questions what it means to create a legacy, and what we owe to those who come after us.



If I could mark this as 10/5 stars, I would, but that's impossible, so 5/5 it is, with much hearts and swoons. The Untold Tale is delicious, each word meant to be savoured, breathed in, nibbled at, full of hidden delight and wonder. -- Ana Tan, A Tsp blog

This story is nothing short of fun, unexpected, and a little bit queer. If your interested in a Science Fiction/Fantasy undertaking with all of the ingredients of a queer anthology, The Untold Tale is for you. - Dallas Barnes, PInk Play Magazine

“I started reading Untold Tale, and was captivated. This superb novel grabbed me from the opening sentence, and never let go. The very best fantasy stories show us fresh new settings in which deeds and events matter—but first and foremost, they give us colorful, captivating characters we fall in love with, or love to hate, or are fascinated by.
Untold Tale does all of this, and more. We see someone from a world we know plunged into a world that is strange to us, through the eyes of that unfamiliar world. And we care what happens to her, and to everyone we meet in Untold Tale’s pages.
And the whole tale is several clever twists on the oh-so-familiar fantasies we’ve read before.
I want more. Books more” —Ed Greenwood, Forgotten Realms

I think that J.M. Frey's The Untold Tale is the most important work of fantasy written in 2015. It may be the most important work of fantasy written this decade, but I'll have to get back to you on that in 2020. -- Mike Perschon, PhD


I received an e-ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The first book of the series, "The Untold Tale", was one of my top favorite books of 2015. It had everything I loved in a good fantasy. Diverse characters, a strong heroine, a protagonist who never considered himself a hero and it was also the first book I've ever read in meta-fiction.

So of course I had to get my grabby hands on the sequel!

After the events of the first book, Forsyth and Pip have settled in their new lives, which is full of love and family. But when classic masterpieces of books start to disappear and also Pip begins to forget they ever existed, Forsyth will have to gather every wit he has in order to solve this mystery.

I admit that J. M. Frey had me when she mentioned that "Peter Pan" and "Game of Thrones" disappeared (and not only the books, the movies too!).

As a person who grew with a book on my lap and the classic games of Disney, the old ones, I was horrified even with the possibility to face such a trial.

                                 (I have all of them by the way. I always loved Santa's gifts!)

When circumstances force our heroes, and a tiny sweet addition, back to Forsyth's story, then we come across with the principal of legacy. It's there, under the quick sass and the humor I've come to love in Frey's stories, laced with tropes you can see in many different YA but in this case they come unhinged! I loved how expanded the wolrd-building became! We have adventures into forests, the sea, even the sky!

There are many new characters in this book and each one of them is amazing and well-written with flaws and intense character growth.
And while the story was not so focused into Forsyth and Pip like the first book, they still are my favorite couple. Not perfect but they complete each other in a sweet, unique way I'd love to read in more books.

"The Forgotten Tale" is a worthy sequel of the first book and after the cliffhanger I got to read in the final pages, I can only beg J. M. Frey to create a "Game of Thrones" battlefield in Canada! Recommended a thousand times! ;)

And don't miss the first book of the series as also the first novella!

About the author:

A trained voice actor and singer, Frey is an author, actor, and professional geek. She is a professional smartypants on AMI Radio's Live From Studio 5 morning show, is an occasional talking head on the SPACE Channel's premier chat show InnerSPACE, has appeared in documentaries, lived in Japan, and lent costumes to the Ontario Science Centre. She also has a number of academic credentials, including a BA in Dramatic Literature and an MA in Communications Culture, and has lectured at the Pop Culture Association of America's Annual Conference (San Francisco), at the University of Cardiff's 'Whoniversal Appeal' Conference, and the Technology and Pedagogy Conference at York University. Frey's dream is to one day sing a duet with John Barrowman.



Release Week Blitz+Review+Excrept+Giveaway: "Honor" (The Breaking Point, #1) by Jay Crownover


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jay Crownover returns with her most complicated hero yet, in the first book in the romantic suspense series The Breaking Point.

Don’t be fooled.
Don’t make excuses for me.
I am not a good man.
I’ve seen things no one should, done things no one should talk about. Honor and conscience have no place in my life. But I’ve fought and I’ve survived. I’ve had to.
The first time I saw her dancing on that seedy stage in that second rate club, I felt my heart pulse for the first time. Keelyn Foster was too young, too vibrant for this place, and I knew in an instant that I would make her mine. But first I had to climb my way to the top. I had to have something more to offer her.
I’m here now, money is no object and I have no equal. Except for her. She’s disappeared. But don’t worry, I will find her and claim her. She will be mine.
Like I said, don’t be fooled. I am not the devil in disguise… I’m the one standing front and center.

Order HONOR in ebook or paperback, releasing 10/18/16

Amazon US | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

Amazon UK | Amazon Canada | Amazon Australia

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              Maybe if I hadn’t spent the last six months slinging pancakes and greasy hash to hungover hipsters and avoiding the too-curious eyes of the cops who like to hit up the diner for early-morning breakfast, I would have noticed the ominous shift in the air.
              Before I came to Denver six months ago, my senses had been honed to pick up on the slightest threat. Before, anything that might be dangerous, that might put me in peril, had made my skin tingle, made everything inside of me vibrate with awareness. Now I had settled into a simple, dreary rhythm. Every day was the same as the one before it and there was no outside threat constantly hounding me, hunting me, haunting me. I let my guard down. I had gone soft, and as a result the biggest danger of them all managed to slip into my new normal without giving any kind of hint he was there.
              My nonslip shoe—that were probably the ugliest things ever made but absolutely necessary considering the greasy food the tiny kitchen pumped out—squeaked on the laminate floor as I made my way over to the lone patron who had taken the last available seat in my section. The massive plastic menu completely covered his face, but the Rolex on his wrist and the perfect cut of his suit jacket let me know he wasn’t my typical kind of customer. There wasn’t a flannel shirt or police blues in sight, and as I got closer, a whiff of something exotic and familiar engulfed my senses and stopped me in my tracks. Of all the things I had left behind, he was the one I had tried hardest to forget.
              The tingling across my skin spread. My tummy tightened. Blood rushed loudly between my ears. My shaking fingers curled around the pen in my hand like a weapon. Before I could pull it together and walk away, the menu lowered and I was pinned to the spot, immobilized by eyes the color of spice rum.
              They were wicked eyes. Eyes that saw far too much and gave nothing away. Eyes I daydreamed about. Eyes that caused me to wake up in a cold sweat. Eyes that turned me inside out and shook me up as they made a slow perusal from the top of my head to the tips of my god-awful shoes, returning to my face and staying there as I struggled to keep my shit together.
              He slowly put the menu down on the cracked tabletop and leaned back in the booth. He was strikingly out of place here and I absolutely hated how that sexy twist of his mouth, a mouth that I dreamed about almost every night, made my traitorous heart flutter and my pulse kick.
              I was also strikingly out of place here, but I’d learned to fake it. He, obviously, never bothered to fake anything. He wasn’t a man with virtuous intentions and he never pretended to be.
              Gone were the mile-high stilettos that I always wore. In their place I now donned work shoes that prevented me from falling on my ass as I ran food and dirty dishes to and from the kitchen. I was hiding in plain sight, knowing that the last place on earth anyone who might come looking for me would check out would be this greasy spoon. This was the opposite of me and the life I had always lived, so even though I could afford better, craved more, this was where I needed to be…until he showed up.


I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Nassir's and Keelyn's story was the one I was very anticipated to read. Knowing that this one would be the darkest of the series didn't make me lose my interest. Especially since Nassir had such a background in his early life. I honestly didn't expect that.

I liked both POVs. Keelyn is strong, a badass and a real fighter since life never was easy for her. I also liked how the chemisrty between them, finally worked out since their feelings for each other were building and building to the point of breaking.

There is action, the mention of previous characters and also the chance to getting to know yet another couple I really want to see Karsen's and Booker's story! I'll be looking forward to read more of this series! ;)


jay-crownover-headshot      About Jay Crownover: Jay Crownover is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men, The Point,and the Saints of Denver series. Like her characters, she is a big fan of tattoos. She loves music and wishes she could be a rock star, but since she has no aptitude for singing or instrument playing, she’ll settle for writing stories with interesting characters that make the reader feel something. She lives in Colorado with her three dogs.      

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads




Blog Tour Review+Giveaway: "The Sexy One" by Lauren Blakely


From NYT Bestselling author Lauren Blakely, comes a swoony new standalone romance…


Want a romance guaranteed to make you melt? Get ready to fall in love with THE SEXY ONE!


“Swoony, passionate and oh-so-romantic!”

~NYT Bestselling author K Bromberg


Insanely romantic and so genuinely charming…”

~Fresh Fiction


From the NYT Bestselling author of MISTER O, comes a sexy new standalone romance...
Let me count the ways why falling into forbidden love is not my wisest move...  
1. She works with me every single day. Did I mention she's gorgeous, sweet, kind and smart?  
2. She works in my home. Playing with my five-year-old daughter. Teaching my little girl. Cooking for my princess. Which means...  
3. She's the nanny. And that makes her completely off-limits...But it doesn't stop me from wanting her. All of her.
The other nannies in this city don't call him the Sexy One for nothing. My boss, the amazingly wonderful single father to the girl I take care of every day is ridiculously hot, like movie star levels with those arms, and those eyes, and that body. Not to mention, the way he dotes on his little girl melts me all over. But what really makes my knees weak are the times when his gaze lingers on me. In secret. When no one else is around.

I can't risk my job for a chance at something more...can I? But I don't know how to resist him much longer either...

With all the heat, heart and humor readers have come to expect, this newest standalone will make you laugh, swoon and feel like you're falling in love!

Amazon US | Amazon Paperback | iBooks | Kobo | Barnes & Noble



I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

One of the best books in this series! It made me laugh, swoon and fall in love with all the characters! While I still think that the books should be connected in a series, there is no problem reading them, even if you haven't read from the first book, "Big Rock".

Simon and Abby were the cutest couple, who despite being different they still found love and balanced eveything in the best way, without being cliche. If you love swoon-worthy romance and New York, then this book is for you! 


A swoony, forbidden standalone contemporary romance, THE SEXY ONE is a forbidden love story, the romantic tale of a single father falling head over heels for the smart, kind and beautiful nanny. Resistance is hard as these two fall deeply in love while she works in his home. But forbidden romances are fraught with their own challenges, and nothing comes easily for this couple. Told in dual POV, THE SEXY ONE is being called Lauren Blakely’s most romantic novel yet. THE SEXY ONE is swoony, sweet, hot and forbidden.

“A good old-fashioned love story with a forbidden twist.”

~Bookalicious Babe Blog


Add it to Goodreads here!


✮✮✮Celebrate the release of The SEXY ONE! Enter to win a NIGHT OF ROMANCE, including a $100 gift card to your favorite restaurant, Signed copies of Big Rock, Mister O, and Well Hung, $25 gift card to Fandango, $25 gift card to 1-800 Flowers, and a $25 gift card to Victoria’s Secret or Bath and Body Works for 1 winner. Second and Third place prizes include a Signed copy of Well Hung and $25 Amazon Gift Card.✮✮✮


author-pic-lauren-blakely    About Lauren Blakely: Since self-publishing her debut romance novel CAUGHT UP IN US three years ago, Lauren Blakely has sold more than 1 million books. She is known for her sexy contemporary romance style that's full of heat, heart and humor. A devout fan of cake and canines, Lauren has plotted entire novels while walking her four-legged friends. She lives in California with her family. With eleven New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists more than sixty times. Her bestselling series include Sinful Nights, Seductive Nights, No Regrets, Caught Up in Love, and Fighting Fire as well as standalone romantic comedies like BIG ROCK, MISTER O and WELL HUNG, which were instant New York Times Bestsellers. In the fall she'll release THE SEXY ONE, a swoony contemporary romance. To receive an email when Lauren releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter at  

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Newsletter ** Goodreads


Blog Tour Review+Giveaway: "Blood Red Snow White" by Marcus Sedgwick

Follow the banner for the detailed tour!

Blood Red Snow White
Publisher: RoaringBrookPress
Release Date: October 25th 2016
Genre: Young Adult, HistoricalFiction, Russia, Fairy Tales


It is 1917, and the world is tearing itself to pieces in a dreadful war, but far to the east of the trenches, another battle is breaking out - the Russian Revolution has just begun... 

Blood Red, Snow White captures the mood of this huge moment in history through the adventure of one man who was in the middle of it all; Arthur Ransome, a young British journalist who had first run away to Russia to collect fairy tales. 

Told as three linked novellas, part one captures the days of revolution but retells the story as Russian Fairy Tale, with typical humour and unashamed brutality. Part two is a spystory, set over the course of one evening, as Ransome faces up to his biggest challenge, and part three is a lovestory, full of tragedy and hope, as every good Russian love story should be.


I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was quite a surpise. Not too much historical fiction and not too much of a fairy tale. Through the three novellas we see the Russian Revolution through different scopes, we learn more about true love and how, sometimes, myths and legends can also be true.

I liked the premise of the book and honestly with that cover the book should be more known. This was my first book of this writer and I am quite excited to see and read more of his writing!

 About the author:

Marcus Sedgwick was born in Kent, England. Marcus is a British author and illustrator as well as a musician. He is the author of several books, including Witch Hill and The Book of Dead Days, both of which were nominated fort he Edgar Allan Poe Award. The most recent of the senominations rekindled a fascination with Poe that has borne fruit here in (inThe Restless Dead, 2007) the form of "The Heart of Another" - inspired by Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart." Of hisstory, Sedgwick says, "This was one of those stories that I thought might be a novel originally but actually was much better suited to the tight form of the short story. I had the initial idea some years ago but was just waiting for the right ingredient to come along. Poe's story, as well as his own fascination with technique, providedthat final piece of the puzzle."
He used to play for two bands namely playing the drums for Garrett and as the guitarist in an ABBA tribute group. He has published novels such as Floodland (winner of theBranfordBoaseAward in 2001) and The Dark Horse (shortlisted forThe Guardian Children's Book Award 2002).


Prize: Win a set of Marcus Sedgwick's books: BLOOD RED SNOW WHITE, THE GHOSTS OF HEAVEN and MIDWINTERBLOOD (US Only) 

Feature & Follow #30



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Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”


What are some of your favorite, hated, or memorable character names?


I don't actually have any character names that I hate, so I'll head over to my favorite and memorable ones.
The most memorable ones are Tatiana and Alexander from "The Bronze Horseman" series by Paullina Simons. It was the first series I read in historical fiction, with romance and achingly scenes. I always recommend this pair!

Now for the favorite ones, there are so many I could make a list and continue on and on for the rest of the weekend! So instead of mentioning the nottable ones, like Celaena, Rowan, Rhys and Feyre, Daemon, Adelina, Lia, Raffe and so on, I'll stick to these two, or maybe four:

From left to right: Kintyre, Bevel, Forsyth and Lucy Piper (or Pip). They are all so diverse and cute and awesome, I'd totally go in a quest with them. The Untold Tale series by J. M. Frey is one I keep re-reading many times and since I also got my hands on the ARC of the second book, I am very giddy! Make sure to read this series!

How about you?


Cover Reveal: "Managed" (IDOL #2) by Kristen Callihan

We are very excited to bring you the next stand-alone book in the VIP Series from Kristen Callihan! MANAGED will release on NOVEMBER 14. And this one is guaranteed to be legendary!



It started off as a battle of wits. 
Me: the ordinary girl with a big mouth against 
Him: the sexy bastard with a big...ego.

I thought I’d hit the jackpot when I was upgraded to first class on my flight to London. That is until HE sat down next to me. Gabriel Scott: handsome as sin, cold as ice. Nothing and no one gets to him. Ever. He’s a legend in his own right, the manager of the biggest rock band in the world, and an arrogant ass who looks down his nose at me.
I thought I’d give him hell for one, long flight. I didn’t expect to like him. I didn’t expect to want him. But the biggest surprise? He wants me too. Only in a way I didn’t see coming. If I accept his proposal, I leave myself open to falling for the one man I can’t manage. But I’m tempted to say yes. Because the real man beneath those perfect suits and that cool façade just might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I just might be the only one who can melt the ice around his heart.   Let the battle begin…


ibooks | B&N 


About the author:

Kristen Callihan is an author because there is nothing else she’d rather be. She is a three-time RITA nominee and winner of two RT Reviewer’s Choice awards. Her novels have garnered starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and the Library Journal, as well as being awarded top picks by many reviewers. Her debut book FIRELIGHT received RT Magazine’s Seal of Excellence, was named a best book of the year by Library Journal , best book of Spring 2012 by Publisher’s Weekly, and was named the best romance book of 2012 by ALA RUSA. When she is not writing, she is reading.


Review: "Stalking Jack the Ripper" (Stalking Jack the Ripper #1) by Kerri Maniscalco

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Summary from Goodreads

Presented by James Patterson's new children's imprint, this deliciously creepy horror novel has a storyline inspired by the Ripper murders and an unexpected, blood-chilling conclusion...

Seventeen-year-old Audrey Rose Wadsworth was born a lord's daughter, with a life of wealth and privilege stretched out before her. But between the social teas and silk dress fittings, she leads a forbidden secret life.

Against her stern father's wishes and society's expectations, Audrey often slips away to her uncle's laboratory to study the gruesome practice of forensic medicine. When her work on a string of savagely killed corpses drags Audrey into the investigation of a serial murderer, her search for answers brings her close to her own sheltered world.

The story's shocking twists and turns, augmented with real, sinister period photos, will make this dazzling debut from author Kerri Maniscalco impossible to forget.



This was one of the most anticipating books of this fall! Well along with Empire of Storms and Crooked Kingdom, but as a debut it shone on its own.
The book takes place in 1888, where England thrives as an Empire and the Victorian fashion is at its highest.

But none matter for Aubrey Rose, who wants to become a forensic doctor. She defies her society's rules and her father, slipping into her Uncle's lessons dressed as a boy just so she can become what she really wants.
When murders start to plauge London and women are found in gruesome states, Aubrey Rose with the help of Thomas will try to solve the mystery!

Now, this is a pair I liked reading. Aubrey Rose could be the female equivalent of Watson, but more headstrong and sassy, while Thomas was the perfect combination of Sherlock and playful sarcasm. Many times their conversations had me smiling and the romance that developed between them was slow burning and sweet.

Another part which I enjoyed in the book were the descriptions of some scenes, which were accompanied with era pictures and sometimes morbid images. Well, if you want to become a doctor, even a forensic one, you need to learn to stomach almost everything.

The mystery was also very interesting. You have your suspicions and yet you never expect the villain to be the one you think. The ending was very satisfactory and knowing that there'll be two more books, I am eager to explore more of Aubrey Rose and Thomas! Now, the next location, MAY trigger some mysteries, but I'll leave that to your imagination. Quite recommended if you want to feed your Sherlock addiction! ;)

And here's some amazing fanart, presented by @PhantomRin. The art belongs to her and you can discover more on her Tumblr!

About the author:

Kerri Maniscalco  grew up in a semi-haunted house outside NYC where her fascination with gothic settings began. In her spare time she reads everything she can get her hands on, cooks all kinds of food with her family and friends,  and drinks entirely too much tea while discussing life’s finer points with her cats. Stalking Jack the Ripper is her debut novel. It incorporates her love of forensic science and unsolved history, and is the first in a new series of gothic thrillers.

It will be available everywhere September 20, 2016.


For more information, visit Kerri online:

Follow Kerri on Twitter and Instagram: