Blog tour, Review+Giveaway: "Rebound" (Boomerang #2) By Noelle August

I welcome you to the blog tour of REBOUND, the second novel of "The Boomerang" series by Noelle August! Don't miss the review and the offered giveaway!

Summary from GoodReads

Noelle August has taken the New Adult genre by storm, and readers can’t wait to see what chaos, confusion, and connections arise at the Boomerang offices next.

Adam Blackwood has it all. At twenty-three, he’s fabulously wealthy, Ryan Gosling-hot and at the top of his game in the business world. His life is perfect, until a scandal from his past resurfaces and threatens to knock the tech wunderkind down and throw his company, Boomerang, a hook-up site for millennials, into chaos.
Alison Quick, the twenty-one-year-old daughter of a business tycoon—and the very ex-girlfriend of Boomerang’s former intern, Ethan—has a problem of her own. After nearly flunking out in her senior year of college, she has one chance to redeem herself to her father by proving that she deserves a place in his corporate empire. That means spearheading her father’s plan to sink big money into Adam’s company and launch it into the stratosphere—provided Adam has no skeletons in his closet.
When the two meet, their sizzling chemistry makes it tough to keep things strictly professional. But when Alison discovers Adam’s secret, she knows she should bring it right to her father, who’ll leverage it for his own gain and use it to ruin Adam. The only problem: she’s falling for Adam—hard.

Will earning her father’s approval come at the price of losing her first real love? Or can Adam and Alison leave behind past mistakes and conquer the world—together?

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REBOUND will be available wherever books and e-books are sold on February 10th, 2015 (ISBN: 9780062331083 | $13.99 | e-ISBN: 9780062331090 | $11.99).
          Buy links: Amazon / B&N / IndieBound

                                                  Excerpt #1, Alison POV 

I give myself to the music and the movement of my body, but over and over again, I’m drawn back to him. And every time, his eyes are on me. Every time, he greets me with that same devastating grin that cuts right to my core.
Finally, I can’t take it anymore. I give in and dance his way, running my mink tail through my fingers. I smile at him, feeling light and relaxed and like no one in the world would dare deny me a thing.
“Dance with me,” I say.
“Is that a question?” he asks, folding his arms across his chest. His biceps bulge beneath the flowing black fabric of his shirt, and his eyes, which seem to be a deep, penetrating gray, regard me in amusement.
“No,” I reply, still swaying as the music flows through me to wrap around us both. “Come on.”
He hesitates, and the moment stretches between us. What is he waiting for? Doesn’t he understand how much I need to dance with him right now?
Coming up close to him, I feel the pull of his body, like gravity. I press in closer, then closer still. Smoothing a hand against the silken material of his shirt and the hard contours of his torso, I ask, “Pretty please?”
I step back, and his smile broadens. Finally, he reaches out a hand to me, and I take it.
“Okay, Catwoman,” he says. “Let’s dance.”

Question: What do you get when friends pen a story with heart, plenty of laughs, and toe-curling kissing scenes?
Answer: Noelle August, the pseudonym for renowned editor and award-winning writer Lorin Oberweger and New York Times bestselling YA author Veronica Rossi, the masterminds behind the Boomerang series. You can visit them at, @Noelle_August, and
BOUNCE, the last installment in the BOOMERANG series, will be on sale in August 2015!


ARC provided by the publisher. 

When a Halloween party brings Adam, our Boomerang president, and Alison, the one who HAD cheated on Ethan on the first book, closer, anything can happen.

The duo Noelle August manages to write yet another great contemporary with love, comedy and emotional pasts, which can tear apart and bring together the characters. I also liked the way the road was made for the third book, since it will feature Adam's brother.

While Alison was known as the one who, eventualy, brought Ethan and Mia together, she becomes a victim and at the end she finds her power to leave her past behind. As for Adam, he too will become stronger and will face the difficulties of having Alison.

A must read for the lovers of NA! :)

 We are giving away three copies of BOOMERANG to lucky readers via rafflecopter!

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Feature and Follow #242

Welcome to the Feature & Follow

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers -- but you have to know -- the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow me and them to show off more new blogs!

How does this work? First you leave your name here on this post, (using the linky tools -- keep scrolling!) then you create a post on your own blog that links back to this post (easiest way is to just grab the code at the host blogs and put it in your post) and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them "hi" in their comments (on the post that has the #FF image). You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!

                              Question of the Week: 

Your house is burning down and you have time to select three books you own to take with you. What three books? - Suggested byAlison Can Read.

 My answer:

Although you are killing me with this fire here's what I would choose to save, while crying for the others! *snif*

Of course you do realize why I chose the second book of the series right, RIGHT???
And that's me with Jackie running for the fire demon cannibals!

Now for the Follow Fun!

                                                 FOLLOW ON GFC ON YOUR LEFT!!


Alison Can Read


Audiobook Series Review: The "Study" series by Maria V. Snyder

 With the new release of "Shadow Study" by Maria V. Snyder, I got the chance to review all of her "Study" series before the release. I had the books for a while on my TBR list but I finally 'read' them as audiobooks!

The series is amazing and it not disappoint anyone!



My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I had the chance to 'read' the whole series as audiobooks. No page was turned in this series and I must admit that the narrator did a great job with the voices of Yelena, Valek and their friends and foes.

A Yelena begins her journey through the Commander's castle to the magic society later, she evolves a woman, character and heroine. She is flawed, makes mistakes but she tries to amend for them.
As her story on "Poison Study" progress, she deals with her brutal past and with Valek as her boss (at first), they unravel the mystery around Brazel and the magicians.

On "Magic Study" while Valek joins the plot later, there are great explanations on how the society works, the clans on Sitia even the weather is described. With new characters on Yelena's story as a magician apprentice, she will come forth as new evil powers threaten to destroy her and her firends.

Finally, on "Fire Study" the battle will reach its peak with Yelena's, Valek's and their companions' lives in grave danger as the map of Ixia and Sitia will never be the same again.

This series has one of the best world building, unforgettable characters and great romance. Maria's descriptions through Yelena's eyes for Valek are truly AMAZING!

Recommnded to those who want a good dose of adventure, fighting, magic and romance!

As for Shadow Study check below! (click the cover for AMAZON)

  New York Times bestselling author Maria V. Snyder wowed readers with Poison Study, the unforgettable story of poison taster Yelena. Now she's back with a new tale of intrigue.

Once, only her own life hung in the balance.

Oddly enough, when Yelena was a poison taster, her life was simpler. But she'd survived to become a vital part of the balance of power between rival countries Ixia and Sitia. Now she uses her magic to keep the peace in both lands and protect her relationship with Valek.

Suddenly, though, they are beset on all sides by those vying for power through politics and intrigue. Valek's job - and his life - are in danger. As Yelena tries to uncover the scope of these plots, she faces a new challenge: her magic is blocked. She must keep that a secret - or her enemies will discover just how vulnerable she really is - while searching for who or what is responsible for neutralizing her powers.

Yes, the days of tasting poisons were much simpler. And certainly not as dangerous,

"Doing full justice to the plot of this original and entertaining epic fantasy is impossible. Suffice it to say that the action is nonstop. The many characters leap to life, particularly Yelena, whose first-person narrative is riveting."
~ RT Book Reviews on Fire Study

About the author:

 Meteorologist turned novelist, Maria's been writing fantasy and science fiction since she was bored at work and needed something creative to do. A dozen novels and numerous short stories later, Maria's learned a thing or three about writing. She’s been on the New York Times bestseller list, won a half-dozen awards, and has earned her MA degree in Writing from Seton Hill University where she's been happily sharing her knowledge with the current crop of MFA students. 
She also enjoys creating new worlds where horses and swords rule, 'cause let's face it, they're cool, although she's been known to trap her poor characters in a giant metal cube and let them figure out how to get out. Readers are welcome to check out her website for book excerpts, free short stories, maps, blog, and her schedule at

What do you think? Are you excited for the new book as I am? Have you ever read the series? 


Release Day Launch: "The Hidden Library" (Hidden Society #2) by Heather Lyons

THL RDL Banner  

We are dying to jump back down the rabbit hole with Heather Lyons' THE HIDDEN LIBRARY! THE HIDDEN LIBRARY is an Adult Romantic Fairy Tale, full of adventure and fantasy and the second book in Heather’s The Collectors' Society Series! 

Check out the latest fantastic installment in this series that brings you some of the classics with a twist.



The Hidden LIbrary Cover ABOUT THE HIDDEN LIBRARY:  

Sometimes, the rabbit hole is deeper than expected . . . Alice Reeve and Finn Van Brunt have tumbled into a life of secrets. Some secrets they share, such as their employment by the clandestine organization known as The Collectors’ Society. Other secrets they carry within them, fighting to keep buried the things that could change everything they think they know. On the hunt for an elusive villain who is hell-bent on destroying legacies, Alice, Finn, and the rest of the Society are desperate to unravel the mysteries surrounding them. But the farther they spiral down this rabbit hole, the deeper they fall into secrets that will test their loyalties and pit them against enemies both new and old. Secrets, they come to find, can reveal the deadliest of truths.

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 We are about to open the conference room door and enter the hallway when he stops. He turns to me, his lovely eyes achingly sincere. “I want to take you on a date when all of this craziness is over. A real one. We’ve kind of gone about this all backwards, haven’t we?” One corner of my mouth lifts up.

“Are you saying you’d like to court me?” There is no playfulness to his face, no quirk to his own lips. My heart flutters at his seriousness.
“Yes.” He wants to court me. Too many emotions rush around in a caucus race throughout my body. I have no doubts of Huckleberry Finn Van Brunt’s feelings toward me.
I understood them two minutes ago just as well as I did this morning when I woke up and from the night before and from the day in Wonderland where he said, in not so many words, that he was falling in love with me. I told him he was my north star, and meant it. He countered we are binaries.

He and I . . . We’ve never said those words, though, not the ones that truly spell out fragile, deep secrets of a heart and soul. Words so easily and yet unfortunately uttered by many, be it to express their appreciation of fried bits of potatoes to sports teams on the television. Words offered so frivolously about a variety of subjects and yet can be the most difficult, most painful, most meaningful, most cherished syllables we gift another person. I have said these words before, to another man. Another man I still love. One I know, in the deepest confines of my heart, that I will love until the last breath escapes my body. A man who courted me in secret and then publicly in the face of astonishment, disapproval, confusion, and, in the end, prophesies. I have willingly given the man in front of me my heart, though, whether he knows it or not.

He now holds it in his hands, and while I pray he is my future, there is still a part of me that bucks in conflicted confusion and delight by this declaration of his. He wants to court me. And yet, as sweet and romantic as such a gesture might be, I require no such formalities. My affections for Finn Van Brunt have already solidified into something real and wonderful and meaningful.      

 THL Teaser 

Don’t miss the first book in this series, THE COLLECTORS’ SOCIETY!

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Author Photo   About Heather Lyons: Heather Lyons writes epic, heartfelt love stories and has always had a thing for words. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. She and her husband and children live in sunny Southern California and are currently working their way through every cupcakery she can find.        

Website | Author Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | THE HIDDEN LIBRARY Goodreads


THL Available Now

Release Day Launch+Review+Giveaway: "Blackest Red" (In the Shadows #3) by P.T. Michelle

 BLACKEST RED is the passionate and explosive       conclusion to the IN THE SHADOWS series


No matter how hard I’ve tried to let go of Mister Black, the memories of us together torture me. They’re an unforgettable reminder of a life I can’t have for many reasons.

Burying myself in work mostly keeps thoughts of him to a screaming minimum, until he's thrust into my life under circumstances beyond my control. Despite my need for his protection, this time I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to survive with my heart intact. 

He is Black: a fierce protector and irresistible charmer.

I am Red: a trouble magnet and rainbow weaver.

Together we ignite. Explosive colors merging at the hottest melting point. 

NOTE: BLACKEST RED is meant for readers 18+ due to mature content. This is part 3 in the IN THE SHADOWS series and is approximately 369 print pages. The series must be read in the following order: MISTER BLACK (part 1), SCARLETT RED (part 2), and BLACKEST RED (part 3).

Links to Buy



Series Book Trailer 

Also Available

#1 Mister Black



#2 Scarlett Red



Blackest Red (In the Shadows #3)Blackest Red by P.T. Michelle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review

A strong conclusion to P.T. Michelle's "In the Shadows" series. When I first began the novella, I was curious if the story would end to be just a contemporary or maybe something more NA. I was surprised when the second book turned to have lots of mystery in it, which I liked it compared with Sebastian and Talia as a duo (hmm!)and the third book didn't disappointed me either!

With suspense, new characters which keep the plot moving and of course Sebastian and Talia moments *sigh*, the final book is a strong multi genred story which makes Michelle capable of combining genres together and write about flawed characters who can finally find their own happily ever after!

Author Bio

P.T. Michelle is the NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY and International Best Selling author of the Contemporary romance series IN THE SHADOWS, the YA/New Adult crossover series BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS, and the romance series: BAD IN BOOTS, KENDRIAN VAMPIRES and SCIONS (listed under Patrice Michelle). She keeps a spiral notepad with her at all times, even on her nightstand. When P.T. isn't writing, she can usually be found reading or taking pictures of landscapes, sunsets and anything beautiful or odd in nature.

Author Links


Release Day Launch: "Sachael Dreams" (Sachael Dreams #1) by Melody Winter

I am pleased to welcome Melody Winter and her new book on an exciting Paranormal New Adult series! Sachael Dreams explores sea and every magical, and deadly creature, which lives in it!

About Sachael Dreams: Twenty-two-year-old Estelle Bailey has had enough of busy city-life and her hot-tempered ex. She escapes to the seclusion and peace of her family’s clifftop home in Ravenscar, where the soothing solitude whispers to her soul as strongly as the sea itself does. But her newfound contentment is interrupted when a mysterious man—a Sachael, master of seduction—joins her midnight swim unexpectedly. Estelle struggles against his charm and the overpowering attraction she feels for him. He offers her a life she never could have imagined, a life beneath the waves . . . but at what cost? Before she can decide, she’s captured, ensnared by the Sect, a secret enemy of the Sachaels, becoming a pawn in a war she knew nothing about. Now, she’s left with a new choice—escape the clutches of the Sect and flee into the ocean, or side with her alluring, intimidating captor and destroy the Sachaels forever. Can she turn her back on the man she might love, or will the secret of her heritage change everything? Set against a picturesque backdrop, Sachael Dreams is the first in a new series, exploring themes of romance, love, and identity, and the struggle that happens when all three collide.

Get Sachael Dreams Today!

And don't miss the exciting book trailer!


 About Melody Winter: 

 Growing up, Melody Winter showed a natural ability in art, a head for maths, and a tendency to write far too long English essays. Difficult to place in the world when she graduated, she pursued a career in teaching, but eventually ended up working in Finance. Melody is convinced the methodical time she spends working with numbers fuels her desire to drift into dream worlds and write about the illusory characters in her head. Melody Winter lives in North Yorkshire, England, with her husband and two sons. When not dealing with football, rugby, and a whole plethora of ‘boy’ activities, she will be found scribbling notes for her stories, or preparing for another trip to the beach. With an obsession for anything mythical, Melody revels in reading and writing about such creatures. In fact, if she wasn’t such a terrible swimmer, she’d say she was a mermaid. Sachael Dreams is her debut novel, and the first in her New Adult Romantic Fantasy series—the ‘Mine Series’. You can view more of Melody Winter on her website, Twitter or Facebook.

Release Day Launch+Giveaway: "A stone in the Sea" by A.L. Jackson

He wanted nothing at all…

Until he found she had everything to give

Sunder lead singer and guitarist Sebastian Stone has everything—fans, fame, and fortune. He also has a heart full of bitterness and a reputation for a short-fused temper. But an outward reputation rarely reveals the true man inside. Facing assault charges after trying to protect his younger brother, Sebastian is sent to Savannah, Georgia to lie low until the dust settles in L.A.

Shea Bentley is beautiful, kind, and hiding from the very lifestyle Sebastian has always embraced.

When the mysterious, tattooed stranger begins hanging out at the bar where she works, Shea is quick to recognize he is nothing but trouble, but she's helpless to the way her body lights up every time his intense gray eyes tangle with hers.

They both soon find themselves drowning in a sea of desire and passion that won’t let them up for air.

Sebastian knows firsthand secrets never die, and he’s not the only one who’s hiding them.

Loving someone always comes with a price. But will it be Shea’s past that costs them everything?

A Stone in the Sea will be 2.99 for the first 72 hours.


With a smile, I turned around, then froze when my sight registered the obscured figure leaning against the wall. A strangled gasp caught in my throat, and my heart took off at a sprint, blood pounding hard in my ears.
Pushing from the wall, he stepped from the shadows, his hands again stuffed deep in his pockets.
My heart rate only increased, the energy radiating from him almost as strong as the disappointment he’d left me with when he’d gone.
I pressed my hand to my chest to try to still the panic thundering against my ribs. “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” The words were soft. “That’s the last thing I want to do.”
But he did. I was scared of what he was capable of doing to me, the way I knew he held the power to trounce all over this hammering heart, to hold it in his hand and crush it into a million unrecognizable pieces.
“What are you doing here?” I asked on a shaky breath.
He looked to the sky and exhaled heavily, before he leveled his gaze back on me. “The same thing I’m doing every night, Shea. Thinking about you and wondering why the hell I can’t stop.”
My stomach flipped, and I gulped for air.
“What do you want from me?”
He laughed, lifted his elbows out to his sides in a helpless gesture without pulling his hands free. “Dinner?”
Nonsensical laughter shot from me. “At three in the morning?”
“Breakfast?” he amended, a coy smile pulling at his full, crooked lips.
Tingles spread across my skin, and I ran my hands up my bare arms. “I already told you I don’t have time for distractions.”
“Come on, Shea. It’s just food. Go out with me. Just tonight.”
Somehow I knew it was a lie, even though he wanted to believe it was true.
Nervously, I glanced to the back door all the while being inexplicably drawn to this man I didn’t even know. I knew I should make a break for it, run for the safety of my little world and give him no opportunity to rip it apart.
“I am hungry,” I found myself saying. After a long night of work, it was true. But it had nothing to do with the reason I was giving in.
Because I just wanted to…
I shook my head.
That was it. I just wanted. I wanted to be in his space. I wanted to understand why he had this pull on me. I wanted him.
Even though I’d never allow myself to have him.

A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including If Forever Comes, Pulled and When We Collide, as well as the New Adult Romance Come To Me Quietly due out January 7, 2014. 

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children. Her favorite pastime is spending time with the ones she loves.