Welcome to the cover reveal of the brand new anthology, coming from one of my favorite authors, J.M. Frey! A master storyteller, her meta-fiction fantasy "The Untold Tale", blends romance, adventure and reconstructs tropes!
Here is the back cover copy for The Accidental Collection:
Forsyth Turn had no desire to be a hero, but that’s what he became. Bevel Dom spent his whole life telling stories, never realizing he was part of one of the most popular ones of all time. Kintyre Turn never thought he could be more than a wandering hero with a sword, until he reinvented himself as a compassionate Lord and kind father. And Lucy Piper never believed that magic, quests, or The Tales of Kintyre Turn truly existed; but they do, and they shaped her life in ways she never could have foreseen.
J.M. Frey never expected her meta-fantasy novel about the relationship between author and fan, creator and creation, to become the sweeping, multi-book adventure that Readers have to come to enjoy; but just like her characters, this path has taken her to wondrous places she never could have anticipated.
Now, fans can hear from the author herself. Offering insight and behind-the-scenes commentary on the events that happened both on and off the page—and a brand-new exclusive novella—Frey invites readers to return to the world of Hain one last time, and discover The Accidental Turn that launched a series.
Here is the note from J.M. to her readers:
More than anything else, The Accidental Turn Series had been my love letter to the community within which I took my first stumbling, shaky steps as a writer - fandom. I found fandom in 1987 when my family gathered around the television to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. I was hooked, and my parents got me the fan club magazine, and took me to my first convention in Drayton Ontario in the early 90s. When the Internet became a thing, I found not only fansites for every show I loved, but also stories! Not just the tie-in novels, which I had begun to spend all of my allowance on, but lots and lots of stories written by other people like me - fans who just loved something enough to turn that love into a creation to share with other fans. I wrote my first fanfic in 1991 for a little known Canadian children's TV show calledDracula: the series, and from that moment, was hooked. I was going to conventions every other month, making cosplays, and forming incredible friendships with my fellow fans.
I was always a storyteller - I was a child actor, and have parleyed that into a degree in theatre, some voice acting gigs, and my screenwriting. So it felt important to me to write a novel about the power of fandom, the joy and pitfalls of the community I loved, and the incredible things that fans can do when they band together and put their minds to it. To find now that my stories have fans of their own? That there is fan art, and fan fiction, and comics, and even cosplayers out there finding community and connection, and their own voice through my work? It's stunning. It's incredible. It's humbling.
So thank you, thank you, thank you for being on this journey with me. Thank you for loving Forsyth, and Pip, and Kintyre, and Bevel as much as I do. Thank you for letting my words inspire your own. Thank you for your support, and for your reviews and blog posts, and for being here with me as this series finally reaches its conclusion.
I hope you love the last cover - and the magic is invokes - as much as I do.
And don't forget, while The Accidental Turn Series may be ending, there is another series soaring over the horizon soon! Yes, my steampunk adventure-romance novel The Skylark's Song, about a vigilante and her rocketpack trying to end a decade-long war by whatever means necessary, is touching down on September 4th 2018! Look for more announcements and keep up to date with what's happening via my monthly newsletter.

Author Bio:
J.M. Frey holds a BA in Dramatic Literature, where she studied playwriting and traditional Japanese theatre forms, and a Masters of Communications and Culture, where she focused on fanthropology.
She is active in the Toronto geek community, presenting at awards ceremonies, appearing on TV, radio, podcasts, live panels and documentaries to discuss all things fandom through the lens of Academia. She was an invited panelist on the SPACE Channel's premier chat show InnerSPACE, has lived in Japan, and lent costumes to the Ontario Science Centre for their exhibition on Steampunk in Spring 2011.
She loves to travel (disguising it as research), and has visited nearly every continent. She also has addictions to scarves, 'Doctor Who', and tea, all of which may or may not be related.
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