7 YEARS OF MILKY WAY OF BOOKS (and a giveaway)


It's been seven years! Holy wow how fast time flies! And despite the hard times, we all had in 2020, I am grateful to all my bookish friends, the bloggers I got to meet and the authors I loved reading their books and the new ones I discovered!

The year 2020 was far less populated in posts, maybe due to the quarantine and me getting a job. The job, to be honest, messed with my reading schedules and at some point, I was too tired to read. But I was able to finish my 2020 reading goal. 

For this year? My bookish resolutions mainly at the moment involve to get my grabby hands on the upcoming Sarah J. Maas book, A COURT OF SILVER FLAMES! (you have no idea how excited I am!)

And mostly to wish for all of you to be safe, stay healthy, and close to your loved ones. The year will be challenging but you can always come to this safe corner of the blog-sphere to discover new books and new authors.

To celebrate 7 year of books and blogging here in my small corner of the net I am giving you the chance to win ANY book or books you want up to 20 euros by Book Depository (free of shipping)





-1 WINNER (will be notified by email. If the winner won't reply n 48 hours a new one will be chosen)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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